In order to gain full access to all of Virtuadopt's activities, you need to log in or register!
The Daycare Center requires $25 per adoptable, paid in advance, to take care of your Virtuadopts. Please enter an amount to deposit.
You have $194,153 available and $480 currently deposited.
The Daycare Center allows you to breed and train up to two Virtuadopts. Every hour, each Virtuadopt will gain one level and eggs will gain steps. If you leave a compatible pair in the Daycare, they may breed and produce an egg.
Services cost $25 per Virtuadopt left in their care. To deposit, click the green "deposit" button and fill out the form. If there is not enough money deposited into the Daycare, Virtuadopts will not level up, and you will not receive any eggs.
If the pair is compatible and able to produce an egg, you will see a special matchmaking message that specifies your base odds of receiving an egg. The messages are listed below, in order of most likely to least likely to receive an egg. Any other message means the pair is not compatible.
- The two get along great.
- The two are getting along.
- The two don't seem to like each other.
Every hour, your odds of receiving an egg will increase. You can increase your odds even more by feeding other Virtuadopts. This can be seen in the Compatibility bar. Once you fill the bar, you have maximized your chances of receiving an egg but that does not guarantee an egg in the next hour.
You cannot remove your Virtuadopt from the Daycare until you pick up the eggs in your incubator. Once the incubator is empty, you can remove your Virtuadopts from the Daycare.